I have come to love this place and its people. They are friendly and pleasant. It is to me a very safe place and in three years I did get my bike stolen once but otherwise never experienced any concerns. This even though I have walked and cycled through much of Dhaka at all hours of the day and night.
The dirt and grime, and the atrocious roads can get to you after a while.

Buildings are being constructed everywhere with no safety checks.
Today there is a bit of work going on on the internet cabling. It is a miracle of technology that the internet works here.

But the people, they are always make me feel welcome when I go into their shop. My favourite restaurant, Magpie, always makes me eat too much.

In my personal supermarket, I'm not even allowed to carry my bag or push my trolley.

The fruit and vegetables are fresh as is the chicken. The mangoes are especially nice and very cheap.

And the rickshaw ride home is fun that's if the traffic moves at all.

Bye Dhaka - Thank you!