Monday, April 7, 2014


Well my contract has finally arrived.  3 months after being appointed to the position!  And guess what it has a mistake!
I hope it will not take another three months to negotiate a change!

Interestingly the mail system is so bad in Bangladesh that we have to send mail back via London.  So our letters go from Sydney to London and then to Bangladesh by courier.  As well we have to send 12 passport photos each, photocopies of everything (including marriage licence) and a whole lot of other documents.

With only three months till we leave it is now looking like things are all go.  Started selling stuff on eBay and garage sales but it is a bit unknown about what do we take, what do we sell and what do we leave in storage.

Heading back to New Zealand for a week.  We think it will be the last time we are there for many years so need to see family and friends.  Not looking forward to it really except for meeting people again as I have so moved on from the past.  The future is where my energies and thoughts lie as I am so excited about the challenge of Bangladesh.

It is difficult to survive the frustration of my present role with the great excitement ahead and I would like the next three months to disappear.  Bring on Bangladesh!!